The Plan
The initial plan after acquiring the Motor Home depends on where I go to get it, but mostly starts off to Illinois. There I’ll pack up the personal items and miscellaneous gear I’ve gathered while I was there, then I’ll head back to California. This will allow me to gather the remainder of my belongings all into the RV and release the need for monthly rooms in each location.
Since I consolidated last year, getting rid of all my personal furnishings and most bulky extras, it will be much easier to compact the rest of my belongings down to the RV. Then need to purchase the new necessities, gear, kitchenware, spare parts and fluids, emergency gear, storage containers, and more.
I’ll use my brothers address in California and my friends address in Illinois for any mail I need, depending on where I’ll be closest to at the time. Since it’s free for me to use State Parks in California for free as a Disabled Veteran (Up to 30 days at a single Park), that’s where I’ll start the adventure. There are also over 150 State Parks in California so it makes up for a lot to see. From the Southern Desert to the Northern Redwoods, to the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains and even a few along the Western beach-side coastline.
While there I’ll apply for various Camp Host and Work Camper positions all over the U.S. The thought of 3+ months in each spot appeal to my need for time to explore and make some savings while giving the freedom for a nomad nature. These may even keep me in California for the first year or two, but since my overall goal is to travel and see everything else, when the opportunities arise I’ll move on to the next spot. After spending time in Yellowstone and a short time in the Black Hills of SC, I would really love to spend more time in both those areas.
Being a warm loving person, i’m planning to spend most of my Winter months in the Southeast and other warmer climates. There are great places in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and even Nevada that one can balance out the Cold. I’ll probably break down and hit the snow a couple times, but only for short periods of time if it’s something that I can manage and control.